Avinu Malkeinu
with Orit Esther Riter

Tap into the sweetness & energy of Rosh Hashana like never before!

Listen to this special program with Rebbetzin Orit Esther Riter at a time that works best for you. Access the video and audio from the workshop with a special candle lighting practice you can institute this year on the 25th of Elul!

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Or Emuna Energy Therapy is a complementary therapy which can enable the client to release emotional trauma, increase inner peace, promote self-healing and spiritual growth, reduce anxiety, fears and stress, rehabilitate emotional, physical and spiritual illness and strengthen self-love. Or Emuna Energy Therapy is a process of self-awareness, acceptance and forgiveness. Energy therapy helps to identify the barriers that block a healthy flow of Divine healing light, which are often caused by unresolved emotions and past traumatic experiences. Identifying the cause of these blockages allows one ultimately to resolve them, open up, release and let go.
While the methods and techniques of Or Emuna Energy Therapy are completely energy based, complementary treatment plans and exercises are recommended based on the client’s specific needs, such as meditation, pressing on energy points on the body, positive affirmations, gemstones and other relevant exercises. Additionally, although this therapy is expected to produce beneficial results, such results cannot be guaranteed. More so, this therapy should not be integrated with any other (energy based interventional) therapies and that doing so is at client’s own risk. Energy Therapy is a complement, not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment, and any ongoing treatment should not be discontinued without the advice of your treating physician.
For most clients, adverse effects are rare. Some experience temporary side effects as a result of this therapy such as an increase of fatigue, anxiety, sadness, frustration, symptoms, etc. The number of sessions required for improvement is not predictable. Fees for the initial evaluations, maintenance, suggested follow ups with intermittent evaluations have been discussed.
Orit Esther Riter is not licensed to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any medical or psychological disease or disorder and in the case of uncertainty, the client is free to discontinue training and treatment at any time.
Client information will be kept in confidence and will not be disclosed to anyone outside of this office without your written consent, unless as required by law.

Your signature below indicates that you have read and understood the information in this document, answered the questions in the questionnaire to the best of your knowledge, understand the cancellation policy and that you consent to energy therapy under the provisions stated.
The information contained in this document is valid for six months from the date of signing. The purpose of this document is in order to make a proper assessment and suggest a treatment plan for the client. Should the client be interested in receiving further sessions six months after the date on this document, it is solely the client’s responsibility to resubmit and update the questionnaire and sign the treatment form again. This is so that Mrs. Riter can gain a new perspective and possibly suggest a new plan based on a new set of facts (especially since it will be the most reflective of the client’s state of being and mental health).
An integral part of this therapy is to take an active role in one’s own wellness. It is therefore required within three days after each session, to submit in writing a few short sentences summarizing the main points you took away from the session summary audio and to tell us how you are feeling. This enables greater clarity and focus for future sessions. Your input of name and payment information is considered an agreement to these terms.

Note that all digital content is delivered completely to you automatically. As such there are no refunds.
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Avinu Malkeinu$18

  • Total payment
  • 1xAvinu Malkeinu$18

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